Important notes of english to hindi word meaning list for all competitive exam.
 The Hindu Vocabulary For Exams
 The Hindu Vocabulary For Exams

●Today The Hindu Vocabulary For Exams like SSC, CHSL,Bank, Airforce etc.


In this new vocabulary post I provide meaning of word English and hindi ,Synonyms of word,Antonyms of word , using sentence. This is very helpful for Competitive Exams like SSC CGL,SSC 10+2,Bank, Airforce ,Navy etc.

1. RIOT (NOUN): (दंगा) (of a person) a violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd. 

Synonyms :- rampage, tumult, upheaval 

Antonyms : -peace, quiescence 

Example Sentence :-
Riots broke out in the capital.

2.WRECKED (ADJECTIVE): (बर्बाद) very drunk
Synonyms :- demolish, crash 

Antonyms :- rebuilt, repair 

Example Sentence :-
They got wrecked on tequila.

3. AUTONOMY (NOUN) :- (स्वराज्य) 
the right or condition of self-
government. the right or condition of self-government.
Synonyms : -freedom,sovereignity 

Antonyms : - dependence, credence 

Example Sentence :-
They will require autonomy at later stages.

4. THICKET (NOUN): -(झाड़ी) a dense group of bushes or tree. 

Synonyms  -: grove, tangle 

Antonyms :- open place, prairie 

Example Sentence -:
A thicket is often dominated by a few species.

5. MUTILATION (NOUN). -: (विकृति) 
dismembering, damage 

Synonyms. -: amputate, distort 

Antonyms :- beautify, decorate 

Example Sentence :-
Her body had been mutilated 
beyond recognization.

6. PRUDENT (ADJECTIVE) : -(विवेकी)  
acting with or showing care and 
thought for the future. 

Synonyms. -: careful, cautious

Antonyms -: hasty, fool, imprudent 

Example Sentence -:
No prudent money manager would authorize a loan without first knowing its purpose.

7. UNVEILED (VERB)- : (खोलना) reveal, disclose, remove a covering from. 

Synonyms -: reveal, present 

Antonyms :- conceal, cover 

Example Sentence:
The President's new policy was 
unveiled at the press conference.

8. FORA (NOUN) -: (मंच) plural of 

Synonyms :- assembly, gathering
Antonyms -: scatter, disperse 

Example Sentence : -
The use of churches as public prayer rooms not sacramental for a began at once.

9. SUCCOUR (VERB/NOUN) :- (राहत) assistance or support in times of hardships 

Synonyms : - sustenance, aid 

Antonyms -: blockage, hindrance
Example Sentence : -
It is human to support the poor, 
help the helpless and support the weak.

10. ASSERT (VERB) -: (ज़ोर) state a fact or belief, declare, behave 

Synonyms -: declare, maintain 

Antonyms :- deny, contradict 

Example Sentence -: 
The company asserts that the cuts will not affect development.

Other Important Word meaning for All Competitive Exams :-

Homicide-  मानव हत्या
Intentional-. जानबूझकर
Purview- अभिप्राय
At the behest of-. के आदेशानुसार
Arbitrary-. मनमाना, एकपक्षीय
Tactical- नीतिगत , कुशल
Adversary- शत्रु
Inevitability- अनिवार्यता
Pertinently-. प्रासंगिकता के साथ
Consequences- परिणाम
Domino- नकाब
Tendency-. प्रवति , झुकाव
Conflicts- झगडा , लड़ाई
Platitudes- साधारण बात , तुच्छता
Erode- नष्ट होना
Have-nots-. निर्धन
De facto- वास्तव में
Recognition- पहचान
Grievances-. कष्ट , विपति
Dormant- निष्क्रिय , सुप्त
Rhetoric- अलंकारिक
Pull away- पीछे हटना
Break away- तितर बितर हो जाना
Apartheid-. रंगभेद नीति
Reins- लगाम, नियन्त्रण
At the helm of-. नियन्त्रण में
Conglomerate. -एकत्र करना
Echo- प्रतिध्वनित होना
Ostensibly- स्पष्ट रूप से
Reams. -बहुत अधिक मात्र में
Undue- अनुचित
Prudence- विवेक
Resorts- आश्रय , सैरगाह
Stigma- कलंक
Citing-. हवाला देना
Conduct- व्यहार , आचरण
Aversion-. घृणा , वरक्ति


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